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Academic institutions of all sizes have become attractive targets for cyber-criminals and hackers similar to much larger merchant companies, 金融服务公司和政府机构. It’s important that we understand how to detect and protect ourselves from these attempts to steal and misuse our personal, confidential, financial, 以及机构信息. Since the use of computers, smartphones, public kiosks, “free” Wi-Fi services and complimentary software applications is prevalent across society, 你的数据被窃取的风险越来越大.

以帮助您更好地了解数据的风险, 身份和资产被挪用, this website has been developed to communicate the processes and techniques used by criminals to capture your data and what you can do to protect it. Being knowledgeable, aware and vigilant are your key tools to secure against these threats.

在瞬息万变的世界中保护您和您的数据安全并不容易. 没有人应该被期望在没有帮助的情况下简单地知道事情.

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